Name Jordan Miller

Location Ontario, Canada

Member since 2005-02-09 11:13:36

About me
Well, I'm actually only an amateur photographer but I enjoy it a lot. I just upgraded from a Sony DSC-P92 camera to a new Pentax K100D :). I'll also be taking a photography course to better my skills so...
That was before. Now I own a Pentax K100D. Ive taken a short photography class and have learned a lot. For now though, I plan on just taking photo's as a leisure activity. Enjoy :)

PENTAX Corporation P

| Landscapes
| Animals | Exotic
| Nature | Flowers
| Nature | Trees
| Nature | Weather | Snow
| Colors | Purple
| Animals | Birds
| Places | Countries | Canada
| Landscapes | Rural
| Nature
| Skies | Sunsets
| Nature | Grass
| Colors | Green
| Landscapes | Water | Rivers
| Nature | Seasons | Autumn
| Nature | Forests
| Nature | Seasons | Winter
| Colors | Orange
| Texture | Stone
| Study | Still Life
| Study | Geometry
| Study | Light
| Places | Countries | Italy
| Animals | Insects | Butterflies
| Places | Landmarks | Europe
| Photo | Depth of Field
| Food | Fruit
| Animals | Insects
| Skies | Clouds
| Skies | Rainbows
| Texture | Fabric
| Texture | Organic
| Concepts | Learning
| Technology | Electronics
| Study | Shapes
| Food | Drinks
| Colors | Blue
| Technology | Computers | PC
| People | Men
| Skies
| Landscapes | Water | Ponds
| Landscapes | Urban
| Landscapes | Urban | Streets
| Landscapes | Water | Streams
| Texture
| Architecture
| Food
| Colors | Red
| Holidays | Christmas
| Feelings | Anticipation
| Landscapes | Farming
| Colors | Yellow
| Nature | Seasons | Summer
| Colors
| Architecture | Towers
| Study
| Architecture | Urban
| Landscapes | Water | Waterfalls
| Concepts | Horror
| Holidays | Halloween
| Texture | Metal
| Study | Light | Reflections
| Architecture | Materials | Brick
| Portraits | Self Portraits
| Texture | Rust
| Colors | Black and White
| Nature | Rocks
| Skies | The Moon
| Architecture | Rural
| Nature | Plants
| Animals | Dogs
| Landscapes | Mountain
| Nature | Weather | Stormy
| Study | Light | Fire | Campfires
| Animals | Dogs | Small Dogs
| Landscapes | Water | Lakes
| Animals | Insects | Flies
| Architecture | Construction
| Concepts | Uncertainty
| Photo | Macro
| Skies | Sunrises
| Study | Light | Street lights
| Places | Countries | USA
| Architecture | Modern
| Arts | Creative
| Architecture | Bridges
| Animals | Deer
| Animals | Frogs
| Landscapes | Tracks - Paths
| Animals | Insects | Beetles
| Recreation
| Life | Death
| Concepts | Time
| Arts | Sculpture
| Recreation | Games
| Photo | Focus
| Concepts | Growth
| Descriptions | Cute
| Nature | Weather | Rain
| Concepts | Beauty
| Study | Shapes | Round
| Living Spaces | Workplace
| Life | Driving
| Concepts | Silence
| Photo | Composition
| Study | Light | Shadows
| Descriptions | Fluffy
| Descriptions | Small
| Animals
| Concepts | Work
| Texture | Wood
| Nature | Weather | Fog
| Descriptions | Wet
| Holidays | Back to School
| Places | Landmarks
| Texture | Ice
| Study | Light | Electric
| Architecture | Ruins
| Architecture | Ancient
| People | Professions | Construction
| Concepts | Complexity
| Colors | Brown
| Photo | Perspective
| Architecture | Towers | Water
| Commented Images
| Popular